Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I have seen computers pinged get an IP (Internet Protocol) address before. In fact, from memory, there is an IP address for other hardware connected to computers such as routers etc.
This task was the easiest of all 3.
I logged on to (supplied by Curtin Uni) and typed ' in the 'domain or IP address' box.
It took approx 245 milliseconds for the trace to be complete. The trace went via 22 hops and the final IP address was similar (except for 2 numbers) to the multiple choice answers. (image on left) I had also read on the discussion board from other students of similar differences.
The second time, I used another web site called with similar results and less hops. Still the same IP address.(image on right)
There was a difference in times and number of hops on two different web sites for the same task.
Both showed - IP Address:
( 245ms Hops: 22 hops (image on left)
( 243.2ms Hops: 10 hops (image on right)

1 comment:

Graeme Holt said...

Hi again Ajay
I've added link to your blog on my blog